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The evolution of human occlusion

—I found this in an old dental journal and thought it was very interesting.

The evolution of human occlusion–ancient clinical tips for modern dentists.

Neiburger EJ.

Man evolved in an environment in which the occlusion was worn down quickly, resulting in flattened occlusal and interproximal surfaces. This rapid wear reduced occlusal decay, traumatic occlusion, misaligned teeth, impactions, and temporomandibular disease (TMD). In the last 250 years, however, new food production techniques created an environment that was less dentally abrasive than earlier diets. Teeth were not worn down as programmed in our “evolutionary blue-print.” This lack of wear resulted in increased caries, cusp fractures, bruxing, malocclusion, periodontal disease, and TMD. A practical re-creation of ancient dental wear patterns can help to reduce these modern dental diseases.


I would welcome your thoughts on this, Paul Welch, DDS—


Location, Location, Location

Everyday we hear more and more comments about dental products being made outside the United States.  Some comments are positive but most are negative. These comments are amazing in light of the fact that we live in a global economy, and from the grocery store, to the automobile dealership, to your favorite retail store many of the products that we buy are grown, fabricated, or assembled outside the United States.

The questions that you should be asking related to a Dental Product isn’t “Where is it made?” but, “What is it made of?”, “How is it made?” and “Who makes it?” Product reliability and confidence is not founded on the geographic location where it is made, but the integrity of the manufacturer.

It is with this criteria, that Barth Laboratory chose to partner with Dentsply /Prident for the fabrication of fixed restorations.  Every case is made using FDA Certified materials and is fabricated utilizing ISO 9000 Certified Production processes.

Every Dentist wants the assurance that their laboratory cases meet the highest quality standards in both materials and workmanship. When you use Barth and Dentsply /Prident, you get that assurance.

Maybe you should ask your present laboratory supplier if they can make the same claims.

We welcome your response.